quarta-feira, abril 29, 2009

Day For Night

segunda-feira, abril 27, 2009


Antes de mais nada, peço perdão pela negligência com este naco de blaguespot nas últimas semanas. Diversos motivos circunstanciais - de mudança de apartamento até o calendário cinematográfico carioca, passando, claro, pelo primeiro show carioca do Driving Music - ocasionaram essa pausa, mas a maior parte desses motivos começa a se estabilizar, a ponto de eu vislumbrar dias vindouros mais cheios para este boteco aqui. Nos próximos dias, retomo minhas bobagens de sempre - das listas de melhores do ano aos parágrafos dedicados a pensamentos que não fixam - e espero, com isso, contar novamente com o desvio de atenção de vocês. 

Mas este post serve para mais do que assumir obviedades, e a pista tá no título lá em cima: na próxima sexta-feira, feriadão de primeiro de Maio, subo novamente ao palco para mais um show do Driving Music. A noite na Audio Rebel foi encantadora para mim, e o convite para uma nova apresentação foi irresistível: farei o primeiro show da Drinkeria Maldita Copacabana, misto de bar e casa de shows que inaugura essa semana, já com pinta de lugar mais cool da cidade.  A agenda deles já está bastante cheia, e será com enorme satisfação que eu e meu violãozinho escreveremos as primeiras linhas desta história. 

Se quiserem pagar mais barato, deixem os nomes que você gostaria de acrescentar na lista amiga nos comentários, até quinta-feira. 

No mesmo tópico, deixo calorosos agradecimentos a todos os amigos que apareceram na Audio Rebel, dia 19. Foi uma noite bastante especial pra mim, e é sempre bom saber que rostos tão simpáticos povoarão para sempre esse cado de memória. Acho que as pessoas gostaram - ou então eram amigas de menos e sentiram a necessidade de mentir. Eu gostei muitíssimo. O amigo e comediante de plantão Daniel Develly disse que, mesmo depois de tantos shows do Invisibles, ele sentiu, pela primeira vez, ter ouvido minhas canções como eu as ouço na cabeça. Foi bonito de ouvir. 

Apareçam lá na sexta, e me digam outras coisas bonitas. Tentarei me portar com elegância.

A foto que ilustra a filipeta é do show do dia 19, e acredito ser essa a que o André elogiou nos comentários. Também acho muito bonita. Para ver outros instantâneos captados pela minha Clarissa, é só dar uma olhada no fotolog do Driving Music. Em breve, brevíssimo mesmo, começo a colocar no Youtube alguns trechos filmados do show.  

terça-feira, abril 14, 2009

Driving Music no Rio

Enfim, um primeiro show em terras cariocas. Como em Juiz de Fora, no ano passado, o set será acústico, misturando músicas do Driving Music a velhas composições do Invisibles. Será um prazer ter vocês por lá. 

quarta-feira, abril 08, 2009

Obrigado, internet 

Conversa do chapa Richard Feliciano (You) com um "random stranger" via Omegle. É puro ouro.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi
You: hello
Stranger: ASL?
You: can you hold on one second? the baby wants to say hello
You: lksf[pds[0
Stranger: what are you talking about?
You: the baby said hello!
Stranger: hahahahahaha...say hi to the baby from me too
You: sorry i am babysitting for my mom's boss
You: ok one second
You: omg! i told the baby and it totally smiled!
You: i think it knows you said hello and is happy
Stranger: hahahaha....i have that effect on people...i make people smile :)
You: uh oh the baby wants to say hi again
You: one sec
Stranger: ok
You: aAHSAUja
Stranger: ok
You: the baby hit caps lock that time!
You: ok ok so whats up
Stranger: nothing much...listening to music
You: what kind of music?
Stranger: bryan adams
You: oh which song?
Stranger: heaven
You: awesome!
You: dang the baby is like in love with this keyboard
You: it wants to type again
You: one sec
Stranger: yeah it is a great song...
You: aadhags wtf man? bryan adams? really? is this 1994? why don't you put on some coolio while you're at it?
You: ashw
You: oh man sorry!
You: the baby gets really judgemental sometimes
You: it's my mom's boss's baby
Stranger: yeah sure...
You: don't listen to it. it doesn't even know what it's talking about
Stranger: and this is addressed to you and not the baby....bryan adams is much better than coolio.....and any other retarded crap that you listen to..
You: ok that's a lot to tell a baby. give me 2 seconds
You: hmm i can't tell for sure but it looks like the baby just gave a tiny middle finger
Stranger: and while you are at it....you can tell the baby about how you are a retarded piece of shit
You: it's fingers are so tiny
Stranger: that's nice...they are the size of your penis
You: uh i can't talk like that to a baby
You: that is inappropriate
Stranger: whatever dickhead
You: i'm sorry but i have to ask you to watch your language
Stranger: oh oh...i am sorry...my dog was typing all of that while i was away!
You: it may be a baby but it can sense when the language is aggressive or vulgar
You: are you for real?
You: a dog can't type dummy!
Stranger: yeah i know...my dog just types stuff...
You: asawa i want to ride your dog like a horsie assqqnsab
You: ok i want you to guess who just wrote that
You: hint: not me
Stranger: i am hoping this is the baby...
You: yeah!
You: are you a woman?
You: you have good intuition
Stranger: because it would be pretty pathetic of you typed....considering how that would probably be the only ride you would ever get
Stranger: no i am a guy....
You: sorry i hope this doesn't sound complicated but when you are talking to me can you say "MR." and when you are talking to the baby say "BABY"?
You: it makes it easier for me
Stranger: ok...MR, you are a retard...
You: excuse me
Stranger: MR., you are a retard
You: but you need to teach your dog the phrase "mentally handicapped"
You: and no, dog. i am not a "retard"
You: retards aren't allowed to watch babies
Stranger: no no....i typed it...not my dog....he just thinks you are a retard...a pathetic retard...he asked me to type this to you...
You: i can't tell if you the human are talking or if your dog is lying to me and tryin to convince me he is you
You: because if it's the latter i am not amused
Stranger: no this is the human....
You: get off the computer dog
You: i want to talk to the man
Stranger: and both human and dog think that you are a dumbass dipshit who doesnt have a life.....
You: ok who is this now?
Stranger: human....
You: and how do you know what the human and the dog think?
Stranger: see....you come up retarded questions like the one you just did above...
Stranger: and thus both my dog and i believe you are a pathetic loser
You: i'm sorry ok now when you are talking to me say "MR." and when you are talking to the baby say "BABY" and when it is the dog talking say "DOG" and when it is the man talking say "JAZZ STANDARD"

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

quarta-feira, abril 01, 2009


Rumours abound, but therein lies a little truth. 

Perhaps you have heard here or there that Jeff Tweedy and Feist have recorded a duet together. All true truths. The song is called "You and I".

Of course, "You and I" does not mean You (the reader) and me (the typist), the song is not about us! Unless it is? I haven't heard it yet. I'll let you know when I know, even if Pitchfork gets to it first. But then I'll tell you. Promises.

Moving ahead, this song about us (at long last) is coming out on Wilco's next album, a record to hit the made-up shelves—are there record stores anymore?—in the Summer or Fall.

I, for one, can't wait. Can You?

* * *

Enquanto ainda é impossível confirmar se isso é tão verdade quanto os shows dela no Brasil, em 2007, recomendo a cover do Bon Iver para "The Park" - prova maior de que, se Deus existe, ele cabe em um mp3 mono, em 112kbps, gravado ao vivo numa rádio na Austrália.